A Culinary Delight

Augmented reality, a new opportunity for your business

Augmented reality (AR) is a amalgamation of virtual elements and the real world, allowing both to mix through mobile devices, technological devices such as webcams, tablets, among others. Therefore, it allows the viewer to enjoy a real environment using virtual and physical objects, through technology.

In this way, Augmented Reality (AR) is mainly characterized by: fashionglee 

             Allow the virtual and the real world to intertwine.

             It offers the viewer real time.

             Interact at full capacity, etc.

Augmented reality is an excellent idea for your business, because it allows the user to connect with the visual in an easier way, as it potentially stimulates imagination and creativity.

Augmented reality, technological opportunity?

AR (augmented reality) is a timely immersive technology to increase the sales of your business. And it can be applied in many ways, due to its great versatility it is valid for almost all businesses, thus providing complete commercial and visual support, as it allows hyper-realistic simulations of objects or products.  tophealthfitnesstips

It also allows the viewer to be impressed by the quality in which the product can be presented, which generates great impression and impact when viewed.

We all like to impress, and when it comes to business, the idea will always be that the buyer or consumer feels comfortable with what they are buying or with what they are observing.

For this, the formula such as Storylling can be used, to which animation is added or the product can be given life, in order to awaken the interest of the client and differentiate itself from the rest.  superhealthiness 

Advantages of augmented reality

             Provides more accessible and easy-to-locate information.

             It allows the customer to know the product better before making the purchase.

             Due to its high visual and real impact, it allows to increase the sales of shops and businesses.

             It facilitates the development of marketing campaigns in a very optimal way.

             It allows both the customer and the business to streamline tasks, and in turn makes the product more attractive and versatile.

Disadvantages of augmented reality

             You will need enough time to collect the essential information for it to be applied virtually. So if you are short on time, this tool may not be the most suitable for your business.

             Being a practically new technology makes carrying out its function fully a bit complicated and you may need help.

             Depending on the population of the product, it can be of little use if you do not know how to use this technology.

             Mostly it is necessary to have devices or tools of high technological scope, due to the speed and high virtual level that this requires.

Currently there is a bit of ignorance about this technology, but the truth is that augmented reality is one of the most developed tools today.

It has an impressive versatility, and although we do not believe it, it is most likely that we have one or more app downloaded on our devices or PC that incorporate it in one way or another.  redditbooks